Feb 13, 2012

Emoticons Bar For Facebook Chat

Every Facebook user is quite aware of the fact that use of some characters in the Facebook chat window turn into some kind of specific emoticons. People who are quite familiar with emoticons use them now and then in there messages and its actually fun. Emoticons basically gives you a graphical representation for what you want to express through some symbols. Now remembering all the emoticons supported by the Facebook chat window is a very difficult task and Facebook doesn’t provide with any index or toolbar for emoticons.
For the ease of Facebook users userscript provides us with Facebook Chat Emoticons Bar userscript that actually adds a toolbar displaying almost all emoticons to the Facebook chat window. Once the userscript is installed on your browser, this is how the chat window will look like.
As you can see all the emoticons are added as little images at the top of the Facebook chat window. You can use userscripts on Firefox and Google Chrome. If you have Greasemonkey installed then the script will automatically get installed else you need to install Greasemonkey before running the userscript.

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