Apr 23, 2012

Find Big Mails: find Large Mails

Earlier, in an article on TechCrunch on the service Find Big mails hear. The service has to be written on the banners to analyze the mailboxes of the world around large messages, so the display memory hog. For Gmail users, the service is generally free of charge. Way of working?
The service connects with Google OAuth and then analyzes your mailbox. Following labels are designed to contain large mails. Greater than 10 MB, 5 MB bigger and greater than 1 MB. With these labels you can then strip and decide if maybe is useless.
For low-mailer, it may not matter, because they believe are the more than 7 GB of storage space at Google anyway not to get full - I could itself but more as muck and so much more free memory spaces. Surely, you must not use these services, one can be let IMAP account in an e-mail program of his choice integrate and sort by size of attachments there. Microsoft Outlook supports this, for example.
Should you use Find Big mails, then you can use again at the end of the right to withdraw your Gmail account , you should check regularly anyway, what applications have access to Google services ( and others ).via[Caschys]

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