Feb 3, 2012

Why You Are Wasting Time for Downloading?

We have little time in life to waste. Between our busy jobs, hobbies, and social lives, we are in a constant rush.

This is not acceptable!

Whenever I can find any time saving tip I immediately jump at the opportunity to save even the smallest amount I can. I recently bought a new electric toothbrush simply because the advertisement told me I could shave minutes off of my brushing time each day. Let’s face it. We would rather spend our time doing things we want to do, not things we have to do. Any time we save can be spent doing something else we love doing.

Time is precious

The time you spend online is just as precious. As much time as we consume online these days we don’t have any to waste on inconveniences. Slow computers and internet connections are frustrating, yet are usually a necessary evil. Speeding up my internet connection speed is something I am obsessed with. I use the fastest browser (Google Chrome I think), constantly delete my cookies, and try to keep few sites open at any given time. Downloading is not any different. There are ways to optimize your download speed.

The quickest tool for downloading online is Usenet.

You may not know what Usenet is or may have forgotten about it all together. Usenet is a trusted source that has been around longer than people have been downloading from the internet. In fact Usenet was already more than 10 years old by the time the World Wide Web came into being.

The reason Usenet can save you time is simple -- uncapped download speeds.

The best Usenet providers offer direct connections to their servers, giving their users the ability to download as fast as their internet connection will allow. Downloading a huge file can literally take you just a couple of minutes.

Other download technologies are done on shared connections with other users. Essentially you are only as fast as your slowest peer. In addition to uncapped speeds, you can also find providers with uncapped download limits. So not only can you receive content at lightning fast speeds but you are not limited on the amount you can download.

If someone wanted to sell you a new car that only went 10 miles an hour and you could only drive it 5 miles a day, would you buy it?


Then why accept slow and limited downloads?

If you are still downloading the old-fashioned way and find yourself annoyed with how slow the process can sometimes take, then it’s time to make the switch. Usenet is the best way to optimize your download times. Check into what options are available and start saving time today.

Why waste your time downloading when you could be doing something you really love?
Now maybe you will have a little more time for the other things in your busy life…

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